2,232 research outputs found

    Developing information systems with nomis: a model-driven systems development approach proposal

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    Trabalho apresentado na Seventh International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design 3-5 Julho 2017, Barcelona, SpainNOMIS is a human centred information systems modelling approach that is based on human observable actions. It models a business domain through a set of views focusing on human actions, human interactions, context for actions and information. These views are represented by a set of tables and diagrams using the NOMIS graphical notation. The modelling elements depicted in these views are defined in the NOMIS metamodel. NOMIS metamodel and graphical notation are a first step for formalizing and automate the design and implementation of computer applications with NOMIS. In this paper, we propose to develop NOMIS applications using a Model Driven System Engineering approach. The suggested approach will define formally NOMIS models and notation and, using model transformations, will derive a code structure to be used by the computerized information system, and a schema for a relational database supporting business data. Additionally, other components of a specified application middleware will be created.N/

    Da constante rectificação mental: III série da nação Portuguesa (1924-1926)

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    Foi isto a Nação Portuguesa da terceira série. Volvidos dez anos desde a primeira série, o Integralismo Lusitano da terceira série1 da “Nação Portuguesa – Revista de Cultura Nacionalista” 1924- 1926 parece assumir-se, logo de início, como uma força de crítica às "esquerdas" e às "direitas" e apregoa-se, tendo em consideração as posições desde sempre assumidas, como um movimento da extrema-esquerda. Extrema-esquerda! - eis uma novidade a carecer de futuro esclarecimento e que encerra alguma perplexidade para quem tenha tido o Integralismo Lusitano como uma mera corrente de e da direita nacionalista. Esta posição surge num texto de crítica à democracia, ao republicanismo, ao sufrágio universal, entre outros antis, e insere-se num contexto mais global sendo parte da secção da Crónica Política, da autoria de Augusto Costa. Não podemos deixar de ter este texto em consideração, não só pelo facto da direcção da revista saber muito bem o que publicar e o que assumir, como revela uma atitude dos "integralistas/nacionalistas" desta corrente do Integralismo Lusitano - dizemos desta corrente porque tinha-se já dado a primeira cisão entre "monarquistas" e entre estes e "integralistas", aliás, posição reassumida por Nuno de Montemor (Padre Joaquim Augusto Alvares de Almeida, 1881-1964) quando afirma que “um integralista, quando o é de verdade, tem o direito de olhar, superiormente, todos os que o não são, e por amor da causa que defende – nunca por vaidade – assiste-lhe a obrigação de se afirmar e de não transigir, ainda que seja com um monarca…”, in“Conversando com um Ministro” (pp. 199-207)

    Integralismo Lusitano: filosofia e política de acção também regional e local

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    Entendendo que não há movimentos doutrinários, políticos ou de intelectuais que não tenham na sua base uma concepção filosófica do mundo, convirá verificar se há base filosófica e política que sustente o Integralismo Lusitano desde 1913 até 19381, início e fim das publicações basilares deste movimento filosófico-político, bem como a sua relação com os movimentos integralistas regionais. Entende-se que, pelo facto de ainda não ter sido produzido tal trabalho analítico com bases filosófico-políticas sobre os textos consagrados e expressos pelas revistas do Integralismo Lusitano sejam nacionais, regionais ou locais, o conhecimento existente sobre tão importante movimento de intelectuais da primeira metade do século XX se encontra ainda incompleto, apesar de já contar com números e valiosos estudos. Por um lado, estamos certos da riqueza do tema em apreço e, por outro, estamos certos de que ainda há espaço para a investigação neste tema, globalmente entendido como Integralismo Lusitano, nomeadamente questões de cariz filosófico-políticas que ainda não estão respondidas, bem como não poderia deixar de se analisar e estudar a sua implantação regional e local, pois sabe-se pela análise das revistas integralistas de cariz nacional que havia importantes núcleos integralistas regionais também com publicações e acção política próprias

    Poly(diphenylacetylene)s: Design, Synthesis and Application

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    This Doctoral Thesis is focused on the development of new chiral materials based on poly(diphenylacetylene)s (PDPA). PDPAs are a family of helical polymers generally described as very stable and static, where the secondary structure —helical sense and/or elongation— cannot be modulated by external stimuli. Therefore, in this work we have explored different approaches to synthesize the first reported dynamic PDPAs, which has allowed us to create new stimuli-responsive materials. In addition, we have also focused on the elucidation of the secondary structure of those polymers to understand their structure-function relationship. These results can help the future rational design of novel smart materials with specific properties

    Proposal for shared services performance management model applied to portugueses public administration

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    Comunicação apresentada no 8º Congresso Nacional de Administração Pública - Desafios e Soluções, em Carcavelos de 21 a 22 de Novembro de 2011.In order to improve the quality of the services and the relationship between the central public administration and citizens the Portuguese government launched an egovernment initiative including both front and back-office processes. The implementation of shared services represents one of the transformation vectors having as major goal the gain of efficacy by reducing the organisational structures and the gain of efficiency through the rationalization of back-office processes. The main target was first the development and implementation of both financial and human resources shared services management solutions and afterwards the enlargement of this concept to other domains such as Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The shared services implementation target is the central public administration, which employs 550.000 workers. Depending on the success of this initiative it may be later extended to regional and local entities encompassing a total of 800.000 workers. This shared services initiative catalyzes the need of having a global public administration structure in order to provide services with the required quality and to implement adequate and flexible process oriented business models. In 2007 GeRAP, a public enterprise owned by the Ministry of Finances and Public Administration, was created aiming a suitable implementation of this paradigm. As an outcome of the financial and human resources shared services implementation experience, a Portuguese Governmental Open Cloud (GO-Cloud) project was launched with the aim of deploying an ICT public infrastructure able to integrate other private and public clouds and to offer quality infrastructure services at lower costs. The GO-Cloud overlays the double objective of establishing a technological platform that will leverage the shared services adoption spreading among public administration entities, concerning both the already deployed financial and budgetary management solution and the shared human resource management solution, and the provisioning of ICT resources and services in a more flexible and effective way. A successful implementation of shared services in a public and wide environment such as the Portuguese public administration requires a suitable reference architecture, reliable and scalable infrastructures, automated procedures, adequate management processes, an agile organization and adequate relationship models, based on a set of core competences. Thus, this paper focuses the way shared services are being implemented and managed in the Portuguese public administration, considering both the scope of this activity and the differences between public and private contexts. It 8º Congresso Nacional de Administração Pública – 2011 | Página 338 also presents the adopted service oriented architecture (SOA) and both the business model and the shared services analysis model (SSAM) used to grant GeRAP internal and external alignment. SSAM contributes with a formal analysis structure through the identification of main pillars that sustain the shared services implementation in Portuguese public administration. The defined pillars will be used as analysis vectors to create a performance model which will be able to evaluate the performance reached by shared services implementation and to anticipate some actions

    Euronet Lab, A Cloud V-Lab Enviroment

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    In this paper we present a proposal for the creation of a European V-labs web space. In its essence it would result in an open online laboratory, with a primarily practical nature. In this laboratory students will have the opportunity to develop skills in the “know-how-to-do” area, enabling them to conduct a series of practical experiences in “try-out” philosophy that will substantiate and consolidate all knowledge that the students acquired in lectures. It is quite possible that these resources aren’t available in all universities and institutions, specifically in the university where the student is. This environment provides substance to the Directive stated in the declarations of Bologna and Prague that expresses “the teaching process is therefore student-centered”, strengthening the final pedagogical aim of “learning to learn”, as lifelong learning is assumed as an indispensable stage. What we propose is the creation of a virtual environment for e-learning where a series of virtual labs in many areas of electronics, automation and robotics are available, in this environment it will do possible for any student of any of these universities to scheduling of experience in any institution that belongs to this cloud, and thus can perform is work for anytime that will be available and with technical resources available or not available in its own university.Com o apoio RAADRI